The exchange rate of the euro is weaker than it would be, all things being equal, if Germany had kept its old currency, the Deutsche mark. 假设其他条件不变,德国保留原有货币德国马克,其汇率肯定会高于当前的欧元汇率。
The edge of a "weak" currency, compared to the old Deutsche Mark, also enabled Germany to garner booming sales in China and other Asian countries hungry for its cars and machine tools. 与过去的德国马克相比,欧元相当“疲软”,给德国带来了竞争优势,使其对中国和其他亚洲国家的出口蓬勃增长,其中,汽车和机械设备尤为畅销。
First, it exports more to non-eurozone countries because the exchange rate of the euro is weaker than it would be, all things being equal, if it had stayed on the Deutsche Mark. 首先,它扩大了对非欧元区国家的出口。因为如果保持其他条件不变,实际的欧元汇率要低于德国继续沿用马克时的汇率。
After the Deutsche Mark was absorbed by the euro in2002, the currency was put on a fixed exchange rate to the new European currency instead. 2002年欧元取代了马克成为了波黑的货币,而此货币与新的欧元的货币保持着固定的兑换率。
It will give people confidence that the IPO market broadly is alive and well and still a place to invest, says Mark Hantho, global head of equity capital markets at Deutsche Bank. 这让人们相信IPO市场整体上是活跃和健康的,还是一个适合投资的地方,德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)全球股权资本市场主管马克•汉索(MarkHantho)说。
Economists agree that the euro is weaker against other major currencies than the German deutsche mark would be. 经济学家认为与其他主要的货币币种相比,欧元不如德国马克坚挺。
Bankers Trust, now part of Deutsche Bank, was arguably quickest off the mark. 银行家们相信,现在德意志银行的一部分,是有据可查的最快理解此事的公司。
40 Years for F. R. G. Deutsche Mark: Experience, Enlightenment and Lessons Drawn from 西德马克40年:经验·启示·借鉴
The French franc and the deutsche mark are also in use between countries, aren't they? 法国的法朗和德国的马克在国际间也流通,是吗?
As a town best known for trade and money, it is no surprise that Dusseldorf is a showcase for all the good things the Deutsche Mark can buy. 作为以贸易和金融著称的城市,杜塞尔多夫无疑是用德国马克能买到任何一件优质商品的集散地。
The post office bank, also part-owned by Deutsche Post, was among the weakest performers in recent European stress tests, although it scraped in over the 6 per cent pass mark. Postbank是最近进行的欧洲压力测试中表现最弱的银行之一,尽管勉强过了6%的及格线,德国邮政(DeutschePost)也拥有这家邮政银行的部分股权。
As for mark, this means mainly the deutsche mark, for example. 马克,主要指的是德国马克,例如。
In the second part, the writer, taking such major currencies in the history of world economy as Pound, Dollar, Deutsche Mark, Yen and Euro as samples, reviews their process of internationalization, analyzes and obtains their respective characteristics. 第二章,以世界货币史中的主要国际货币英镑、美元、德国马克、日元和欧元为样本,回顾其国际化历程,分析并得到它们各自的国际化特征。